Friday, September 14, 2012

Girls, please beware of this guy : Myth Reyar

Hi All, 

My purpose to write about this guy cause i think he need to be admitted in mental hospital cause he is sick and pervert and his family are not taking any initiative to do about anything it. I already made a police report but i think i need to alert all the girls out there as I realised he had use the same technique to other girls. The only reaction that his family members said is "If you are going to make a police report, we going to issue a letter that he mentally challenged so that police cant do anything about this", which really made me felt terrified with their action.

He nearly ruined my life by attempt for rape and robbery and now my life is in fear. I get to know him thru Facebook 8 months back and finally we plan to meet out. I brought along my two friends and our impression was he was a gentleman. After few days, we started to keep in touch via phone and he started to act funny when he was talking about sex. This really annoyed me and i told him to put a full stop as I told him I'm not that kind of girl. He apologize and stop talking in that manner. But after few days, he is back to square and talk about dirty stuff again. I change my number to avoid him but it didn't stop there. One fine day, i found he was standing near to my office around 6 p.m (which i dint have idea till now how he manage to find out my working place) and apologize for his action. Falling for his sweet talk, he wanted to bring me for a dinner treat to show his regret. He brought me to a secluded place and tried to act funny (which i cant post it here as it really made my world nearly shattered.) He got angry when i didn't give in and slapped me. I nearly fainted and took my courage to break the car window as he locked his car doors. He hit me more and my blause was torn. When i started to scream, he come to the sense and open the car door and push me outside and drove a way. My handbag was taken away (money worth RM1000 with handphone, atm cards). 

I was taken to nearest clinic by a kind passerby and get my treatment for the injuries that he cause.  The next day, i went to retrieve back my sim card and got a call from one of his family member not to make a police report and if i do, they will say that i seduced the brother. Then, i found out from police, several report had made toward him and no action can be done cause no strong evidence toward him. I dont understand. What kind of strong evidence that a person need???? I found he had use same tactics to few girls thru facebook and please and please and please, if you happen to know this person whereabout, please inform the police. 

I  am taking this opportunity thanking my friends who stand with me when this shits happen. Till now, i didnt have guts to inform my family  about this terrify incident as it will cause them hurt and pain. This person still have his facebook account open and using the same method to other girls. Therefore, i'm seeking for your help to spread about this to others for precaution. 

Below is his image and his facebook id :

Taiping, Perak.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  3. Hi im one Myth Reyar close friend "
    Im really shocked n dissappointed after c comment created a blog ..
    itz not true !!!! Myth Reyar not such kind of person ...
    i knw him very well.The pic was tagged most of them Myth Reyar sister n cousin .The person create blog mentally problem..I think everybody shld give their comment in the blog n reader of the blog Myth Reyar not such person... tq

  4. This a fake info. Don't simply spread news. our photo been tagged here...he with his sisters n cousins.u hv no right tag ppl's photo. If u hv issue with person take legal action n don't behave like cheap. You being a gal..did u think b4 publish other gals photo...

  5. This is a piece of shit. No doubt ! seeking for cheap publicity by making false allegation on a good man is not something to be proud of. Such a shameful act ! Be wise and get a life.
    Whoever the owner of this blog ,take note - Myth Reyar is our good friend and we'll stand for him.

  6. This is total bullshit. I know Myth Reyar more than 3 yrs and he is such a nice n kind person. He had alw been a good fren of mine and hv also advised me alot. Please do not simply create stories and spoil people's name. Remember what goes around comes around. God is watching!

  7. Listen...listen...listen whoever created this blog... You are a piece of rotten shit! If are so concern about mythreyar getting admitted in hospital, I think u should go for treatment and get yourself admitted... Rather than putting his sister and cousins pictures in the blog, why didn't you put your picture taken with him? Pray to GOD that you will never meet me, il serve you right woman!
